Guest Room

Our guest room is now complete!

I don’t have any good before photos because it was just an empty room but I started the makeover by painting the tan walls the same color as our bedroom, Silver Marlin.  I love how subtle of a grey it is.  Then my mom and I drove a Uhaul from Sacramento with the furniture for the room.  We didn’t have room for my hope chest or daybed in our apartment, but now we do!  I’m sure our guests won’t miss the air mattress one bit.  My mom and I also changed out the knobs for the dresser to help pull the look together.  I spent the majority of my time (other than painting) on the gallery wall.  I’m such a perfectionist that it takes me awhile to commit.  After two gallery walls that put a lot of holes in the wall at our first two apartments, I learned a trick that is a lifesaver.  As you can see in the picture below I trace all of the items I’m going to hang up, poke holes through the paper where the nail will go, and tape them on the wall.  I can then move them around as much as I want until it’s perfect before putting in any nails.  It takes more time to prep but makes the final result so much better.  This time I left it up for a few days just to make sure it was exactly how I wanted it before committing.

 All of the pictures on the gallery wall were free downloads from Pinterest, including the one on the dresser which will have our Wifi network and password for our guests.  I’m really happy with how it turned out.  I might just go in there to read a book every now and then since it’s so relaxing.






If you want to explore Portland come and stay with us!  We’ll give you a great tour!

One thought on “Guest Room

  1. Very very nice. Looks like the M&M girls like it too. Love the idea of putting the wifi network and password in a frame on the dresser. I’ve used the tracing trick before naiing for awhile but used newspaper. Doesn’t have as nice of a look as yours when you stare at it for a few days. Can’t wait to check it out in person.

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